Sunday, November 22, 2009


Progress Photos

I was able to get in all the gravel so I thought I'd take some shots. Amazingly, this effect costs under $3/sq ft in materials.

Hi Stephen, it's turned out great! It'll look great with a tonne of colourful plants :)
Hi Stephen, it's turned out great! It'll look great with a tonne of colourful plants :)

This is looking fantastic. Totally fantastic. Plucking inspiration from each post.


You have a beautiful home there. Where did you find that cool firepit?

It's from a company out of the UK called Hotspot that imports them from China. For a while carried them but not any longer.
Love the patio...Did you cast the circles yourself or buy them as pavers? This summer I'm planning on starting to experiment with casting concrete. Love all the work and am finding inspriation as I read through them all!
I bought them as cast pavers. The local building supply has 5 different sizes and they are very inexpensive.
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