Monday, July 10, 2006


Two Days, Two Posts

Okay, so I just forget to add something...

Many of my friends know that I consider myself a solidly competent photographer. As a result, I take a lot of ribbing for the quality of the photos I take for this blog. Frankly, I'm usually just in a hurry to get things posted and I don't have the energy or time to do anything up to my usual standards. In fact, it's all direct from camera with no post-processing.

Tonight I got the itch to do something more artistic and since the house is finally starting to come together (I see the light at the end of my paint-brush tunnel) I thought it might be fun to do some stuff where I at least spend 5 minutes instead of the usual 5 seconds.

Image One

And yes, I know the anniversary-edition Eames Lounge Chair would look great in place of my elderly (the cushion was originally black) Ikea Poang. Full-size image.

Image Two

I just like how the light "spills" out of the house. Full-size image.

I might take some day-time ones next week.

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